So Far

Lyrics By Oscar Hammerstein II  Music By Richard Rodgers

On his first date after breaking away from Jennie, Joe charms his date Beulah with his soft, romantic qualities. With no history together, Joe and Beulah remark on the newness of their relationship.

Covers & Pop Culture


"So Far" Lyrics

No keepsakes have we
For days that are gone,
No fond recollections to look back upon,
No songs that we love,
No scene to recall
We have no traditions at all.

We have nothing to remember so far, so far.
So far, we haven’t walked by night
And shared the light of a star.

So far, your heart has never fluttered so near, so near,
That my own heart alone could hear it.

We haven’t gone beyond the very beginning,
We’ve just begun to know how lucky we are,

So we have nothing to remember so far, so far—
But now I’m face to face with you,
And now at last we’ve met
And now we can look forward to
The things we’ll never forget.