Suzy Is a Good Thing
Anxious about her pending date with Doc at an elegant restaurant, Suzy begins to doubt herself. With warmth and compassion, Fauna reminds Suzy of her worth.
I got eyes that can see pretty sunsets
And pretty dresses in store winders.
And I got ears that can hear music
And the sound of waves on a beach.
I got a nose that can smell flowers
And food cookin’ on a stove.
And I got two feet that can take me anywhere I want to go,
And I can walk and run and climb and swim in the sea.
And if I am somethin’ that can do all this,
Why should I be ashamed to be me?
Suzy is a good thing;
This I know is true.
Suzy is a good thing.
She may make mistakes,
As other people do—
Everybody makes a few.
Suzy’s eyes are searching eyes;
The world they seek is new.
Suzy looks for love
As other people do.
Suzy will find her love, too—
Someone is looking for Sue.
Tonight you’re goin’ out with a man—
With a man who asked me to go!
And I ain’t scared o’ sayin’ anythin’ wrong
’Cause I won’t say only what I know!
I’m goin’ out to eat tonight—
A feller is takin’ me there.
I’ll hold my hand on his arm good and tight,
And I’ll hold my chin in the air.
And if anyone tries to make a crack,
I’ll look like I don’t care.
Because I’m Suzy!
Suzy is a good thing;
This I know is true.
Suzy is a good thing.
She may make mistakes,
As other people do—
Everybody makes a few.
Suzy’s eyes are searching eyes;
The world they seek is new.
Suzy looks for love
As other people do.
Suzy will find her love, too—
Someone is looking for Sue.
"Suzy Is a Good Thing" (Rodgers/Hammerstein II)
© 1955, Copyright Renewed, Williamson Music Company (ASCAP) c/o Concord Music Publishing.
All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.